I'm sorry that I didn't email yesterday! I hope it didn't throw you off too much. The library was closed, so we were told to email today instead. So just a heads up, next week we're emailing on Tuesday again because we have a special conference on Monday!
Well, I'm sure you're all dying to know about transfer calls, so I'll just come out and say it... I'm staying in Warner Robins with Sister MacDuff for another 6 weeks! Woohoo!!! I really am so happy about it. I know that Sister MacDuff and I still have things to learn together and from each other. And it means we're both here for K**a's baptism this Saturday! She had her interview on Friday and passed with flying colors. She's so awesome. She cried when we told her one of us could be transferred, but we figured it was better to let her know before hand than be a surprise later. And she's very happy we're both staying! She's the sweetest.
The sisters in our district!
Well, Saturday came, and Sister MacDuff and I could not focus on anything all day, waiting for the phone to ring. Elder Clay had said that if you didn't get a call before noon, you're probably staying. Well noon came and went, and no one in our district or our neighboring district had gotten a call! Finally at 3pm, the Zone Leaders texted saying there would be a whole mission conference call and 4:55! No one had any idea what was going on. But it was really cool being on the phone, knowing that every other missionary in the Georgia Macon Mission was on at the same time. I felt so unified. Anyways, President Cottle just gave us some info about the conference next Monday, and then the APs took over and told us, zone by zone, who would be transferred. We didn't hear our names, so we're staying!
Sister Sperlein who's in our ward and works in the mission office, told me that Sister Wilson got her visa!! So she is in Brazil as we speak. Kinda crazy to think about! I'm so excited for her. I actually got to see her last week! Sister Cottle has been trying for a long time to get the sisters together for a Sister Conference. So we went to the mission home on Thursday and learned about how to be healthy, how to tie scarves, and a lot about marriage... We're not sure what President Cottle was thinking with that last one lol. But it was so fun to have a break from the normal conferences and do something girly and fun! And it was really good to see Sister Wilson. I didn't realize how much a missed her till I saw her!
Reunited!! (With her MTC companion, Sister Wilson)
I just have to say, I am super jealous that y'all had pumpkin cinnamon rolls! But we had dinner at the Eubanks' on Sunday and they made us pumpkin cookies. I love being at their house. They really feel like family. Their daughters Amy and Christine remind me of mine and Summer's relationship haha. And it's cool knowing that Brother Eubanks was Dad's companion! Oh Dad, you asked where we watched General Conference. We watched all the sessions at the church. Thank you all for your letters! I love hearing from you. I've really learned to let you be my motivation to work harder and serve with all my heart rather than be sad missing you. It does get hard, but the Lord lifts me up and strengthens me! I am so blessed.
So there's this couple in the ward, the Rhodens, and Brother Rhoden is just about as southern as you can get. He cooked us brunch of omelets, sausage, grits and chocolate milk one day this week. And he gave us 15 referrals! So we've been working to get them all contacted. One of them is named T***a. That was a really cool experience because we just started teaching right there. The Spirit totally guided us. Sister MacDuff felt inclined to teach her about temples, and T***a seemed really interested to know that her family can be together forever. She even gave us a referral for the Elders in Perry! Just all around awesome. We hope that we're able to get in touch with her again and teach her and her family. Other than that, we're not really teaching anyone right now. But we have a lot of potentials we're trying to work with. And we definitely work a lot with the less active members. There are three families that we know will start coming back to church soon. The Spirit guides us so much as to how we can help them.
Pt 1 in series "You Know You're in Georgia when..." hahah
It's truly amazing to see the Lord's hand in our work. Know that I love you all and pray for you every day! I am well taken care of here. Thank you for your love and support. I am so grateful for you. Write soon, and have a great week! I love you!!
You asked for an example from this week, something I learned. There's a book called "Adjusting to Missionary Life" and it has helped me learn how to be more self reliant emotionally. As I've learned to make my prayers more sincere and striven to get more out of the scriptures, I'm feeling my heart soften and allowing myself to be more open to revelation. Especially in working with Sister Laidlaw. We have made some real progress with her in getting her to come back to church. She totally softened up to us last night. She told us she feels the Spirit just rush into her home when we visit. I know we couldn't help her without the Spirit. And I'm learning to recognize it more fully. The biggest thing is being patient with myself. That's definitely what I'm trying to focus on the most right now.
Sister Ramsden
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