Curitiba Temple

Curitiba Temple

Monday, March 31, 2014

Sharing Birthdays, Indian Food, and SISTER TRAINING LEADER!!!

My beautiful family!!

How are you all doing? I hope you're well and that you're happy! This week was so good! I don't even know what happened, nothing super exciting I don't think. I was just really focused and happy all week long. Sister Drollinger and I are both staying together for another transfer, and guess what?? We're the Sister Training Leaders! I actually almost threw up when we found out and every time I've thought about it since. But I know it's what Heavenly Father needs us to do right now, so I am okay with it. It will be fun! I'm also super okay with the fact that I still haven't gotten my visa. Whenever people find out I haven't yet, they feel bad for me, but they shouldn't! All I know is that there is absolutely a reason that I haven't gotten it yet. It's all in the Lord's hands, and like I keep telling people, those are the best hands to be in. :) So I am doing well! No one should worry :) You may already know this, but Sister Evans got her visa! Also, Sister Beeson from my MTC district, and Sister Russell who reported the same day I did. Pretty exciting!!

Me and the little birthday girl!

Well, I'm a year older! It's weird to think I'm 21... Just like every other holiday on my mission, my birthday didn't entirely feel like my birthday. It was pretty much a regular day, except the sisters sang happy birthday to me like five million times. Also, the elders wrote all over our car windows! They're the best. My birthday was actually the day we did weekly planning, so we were inside most of the day. But we did have dinner with an awesome family in the ward who was celebrating their daughter's 10th birthday, so it was fun to be there for that! The rest of the night, we visited members that the bishop asked us to check up on, which was really nice. So all in all it was a good day! Nothing too fancy, just how I like it haha.

We also had exchanges this week which was awesome because our roommates were the Sister Training Leaders. Sister Curtis and I stayed in Martinez and did some awesome work! We checked up on R***e and were able to help her understand how taking the sacrament would bless her life, and we talked a lot about the prophet and the organization of the Church. So we invited her to the women's meeting, and she was super stoked! But she didn't end up making it, and we've been trying hard to get a hold of her with no luck. :( Well, we also went to follow up with a potential, D***e. Her husband, L***y, answered the door and let us right in! We ended up teaching them and their son, J***h, the Restoration, and they just soaked it all up. D***e has always wanted to attend our church, but she works weekends as a nurse. L***y and J***h attend a local church, but they're open to learn more about what makes us different. Sister Curtis and I click so well. She's getting transferred, and we're all really sad to see her go. :( But it's all in the Lord's hands!

This is the best picture of the hair... I'll try to send a better one next week! A member took us to an Indian restaurant for lunch! Boy, do I miss Nani's cooking!

Last miracle. Sister Drollinger and I were on a street to contact a potential, and we saw this guy outside, so we decided to talk to him. Turns out he is a less active member that no one knew about! He's from Puerto Rico, and they've been in the area for 8 months. His wife and kids are not members, and he wants to come back to church and have us talk to his family! So the miracle is that last week we had seen someone outside that house and we both felt like we should talk to him, but neither of us said anything, and we didn't talk to him. I truly feel like the Lord was giving us a second chance when we saw him outside again. But the lesson is to never ever ignore a prompting, because sometimes there aren't second chances. I'm just so grateful that we were able to meet him, and now we have an appointment to meet his family tomorrow evening.

I love you all so much! Thank you for your love and support. And thank you for the packages! I love the new music you sent me, and the skirt fits well. :) I hope you're all doing really well and that you're able to see the Lord's hand in your life. You're all amazing! Have a wonderful week!!

Love always,

Sister Ramsden

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Swinging an Ax, Pink Chemical Beads, and I Highlighted My Hair!

Dear family!

I hope you got the picture I just sent. I highlighted my hair! I'm not sure what possessed me to do that. But I really like it! Anyways, this week was pretty average. It started out really slow, but it ended well! We got to get in our jeans and do some service this week, which is always awesome. Especially because the weather was nice for a few days! I got to do things I'd never done before! On Tuesday, we went to Sister Rayburn's house and fertilized her yard with these pink chemical bead things. And on Friday we went to the Tiede's to help them tear apart the shed that got smashed by a tree in the ice storm. I got to use an ax and a sledgehammer! It was fun. We love doing service because it gets us out of our normal routine, but it just makes us feel good. We put quite a dent in that shed, the five of us working together. Definitely more than Brother Tiede could have done on his own in the same amount of time. They do so much for us, so we want to do as much as possible to pay them back, even though they say we don't need to.

We finally got to see S***i again after a long time! She's having a hard time with her dad, still, but other than that she seems well. We were able to meet her husband, R***y, too. We answered a lot of their questions, which was really good. And S***i brought up some of her concerns with joining the Church. The first is her fear of being immersed in water, but she said she'll get over it. The other thing came up yesterday when she offered us coffee or tea. We taught her about the Word of Wisdom, and she had a hard time understanding why it's bad for us to drink those things. We just bore testimony of prophets and how we sometimes don't have to understand the things that God commands us to do because we don't see the big picture, but He does. So she recognized also that she could overcome that challenge, but it may take more time. But we have faith in her! She is amazing.

I can't believe there are only two weeks left in the transfer! Time seriously just flies by. It's amazing. My predictions for transfers aren't super solid, but we're thinking I will stay in Martinez (we pronounce it right since the Spanish branch joined us ;)) for one more transfer, but we're not totally sure if Sister Drollinger will stay, too. Stranger things have happened! I love you all so so so so so much!!! You are amazing individuals. I love the gospel, and I know it's true with all my heart. Have a wonderful week, loves!

Your number one,

Sister Kashmir Janae Ramsden