I love you all so much! I always love hearing from you. I hope everything is going well for y'all. This week was pretty chill. We taught the Reyes family the rest of the Plan of Salvation, and they agreed with everything we taught. E still has a lot of questions, and it can be really intimidating, but we're trying to help him realize he doesn't need to know everything right now. He gets into some pretty deep stuff. They still weren't able to make it to church, but he said he already looked ahead to next week because he knew we would ask. So he said they look free! I'm sooo excited for them to come! His wife and daughters are very accepting of the teachings as well. They're an awesome family.
We've tried to get in contact with the McMullins this whole week, and they've been sick. S loved the Family Proclamation we left her, and so did H. They are very interested, but J is still super stubborn. We're going to stop by today to see what we can do for them. Kiya's friend, M, is awesome! She reads the Book of Mormon almost every day, and she prays every day! She says she understands it pretty well! She has a hard time waking up in time for church, so we'll see what we can do to help her with that.
Biggest miracle this week! We got a mystery text from the 2nd ward elders saying "Good luck!" About an hour later we got a phone call from a brother in their ward, Max, who is dating a non-member, M. Well, they talk a lot about religion, and M started reading the Book of Mormon and wanted to meet with the sisters! All we knew was that she had read through the testimonies and had some questions she wanted answered "from a woman's perspective". We met her on Saturday, and she is awesome! Her questions are so sincere, not contradictory at all. And everything made perfect sense to her! She even talked about being baptized! So we have a dinner appointment with her this Friday. She is just the sweetest little southern lady!
EDIMGIAFAD = Every day in Middle Georgia is Armed Forces Appreciation Day!
The work in this area is definitely progressing! We still have some major struggles, like member support, but we're learning to just love everyone and to be patient. That actually reminds me, we've decided that us sisters and the elders all needed to be here at the same time because we all bring something different that this area needed right now. Elder Clay has the experience, Elder Forbush has the patience, Sister MacDuff has the conviction, and I have the love. Amy Eubanks is really good at drawing, so she's working on a picture of the four of us together: the Fantastic Four.
You know you're in Georgia when... There are a ton of brick houses made from Georgia red clay!
It's been fun here! I can't believe transfer calls are in five days!! My stomach is doing somersaults, not knowing what that call could bring. It scares me to death! Especially going to Brazil. It was funny, a stake rep spoke in sacrament meeting yesterday and mentioned his son waiting for his visa to Brazil, and half the congregation turned around to smile at me. They are so supportive in that way. A few of them came up to me afterwards and made little jokes about it, and some told me that they're praying for me. That helps put my nerves to ease a little bit.
Our zone with Elder and Sister Aidukaitis!
I know that wherever I go is where I am meant to be! I'm learning to trust in the Lord more and more each day. "Fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail. Behold, I do not condemn you; go your ways and sin no more; perform with soberness the work which I have commanded you. Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not." (Doctrine and Covenants 6:34-36) I love you all so so much! Thank you for all of the support you give me here. I couldn't do this without you! I miss you. Write me soon <3
Love always,
Sister Ramsden
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