Alright, I'll start with the big news because I know you all want to know her name... My new companion is Sister Madsen, from West Jordan Utah! She's awesome. We get along really well. She's been out for about six months. She served in the Augusta zone before here. Yeah! She's cool! So it's been a fun week of adjusting and learning to teach and work with someone new. But she makes it so easy! I'm very blessed.
The Fantastic Four!
How was Thanksgiving?? I hope y'all ate some homemade pie for me :) We went to the Boyds' for dinner and they sent us home with TONNSSS of food. Like, two fridge shelves full! It's super yummy. It was hard to know what to do because it was a holiday... So we ended up going to some stores for Black Friday. No, not to shop... To contact! It was super fun! We just talked with the people in line around us and if that didn't work out, we got out of line and went to the back of the line and talked to those people haha. When the line went inside, we went to the mall and sat with people who were waiting on benches. It was a really fun idea! It was a good day, and it didn't really even feel like Thanksgiving, but I definitely took time to think of all the things I'm grateful for. There's a lot!! Heavenly Father has been so good to me.
Me and Sister Madsen! She's 5'11"!
So, Wednesday night we taught M. the Plan of Salvation. She thinks it's a beautiful plan, and she already believed everything except for the three kingdoms of Heaven. So she told us she'd pray on it. And she came to church yesterday!! She was so excited to finally get to come. Testimony meeting was perfect, she was crying the whole meeting. The Spirit was so strong, all through church! And the members were awesome in welcoming her.
Our district last transfer
After our correlation meeting, we took Amy Eubanks (new ward missionary! Yeah!!) and went to follow-up with M. She had been crying since she left the church! She said every question she had was answered, the service was everything she hoped it would be. She loved it! We brought up baptism again, and she said she absolutely knows that's the direction she's going. She knows that she needs to be baptized. So she will be baptized on December 28th!! Her testimony of the gospel blows me away. She wonders how it took her so long to find it! I can feel my testimony growing so much as we teach her and as the testifies to us.
Me and Amy!(She is the daughter of Kevin's last missionary companion)
This gospel is 100% the true gospel of Jesus Christ in its fullness, once again on the earth, never to be removed. I love being a part of this great work! I learn so much every single day. I love you all with all my heart. I pray for each of you. Thank you for everything you do for me. I am SO blessed to have you.
All my love,
Sister Ramsden
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