I can´t tell you how much I miss you and love you and think about you. You are the best family there is, and I couldn´t be more grateful! I don´t know if yáll have done much research on Lapa, but it´s a cute little town with apparently a lot of history. I´m not sure what all happened here, but I know there was some kind of battle fought here, so there are war memorials, and we occasionally see the army running around the streets. It´s funny that every area I´ve served in has had military influence.

As I was reading this letter, this game was on TV; it was the first of this year's World Cup to be played in Curitiba!
So World Cup... Brazil won! We were on lockdown after lunch the day Brazil played. But we could hear all sorts of cheers outside, and when the game was over, cars just drove around the streets honking with flags out their windows. Quite a different experience! Nothing like Almond Bowl haha. The whole atmosphere is really exciting and I feel a great love for these people and this country. I´m still striving to develop that true Christlike love, but it´s amazing how much your love grows for people when you can see them the way God does. It´s amazing feeling my capacity to love grow.

So this week was interesting! We were planning for a baptism that was supposed to take place yesterday with an investigator, A**x. He has a strong relationship with God, and he was really excited about his baptism. We´re not entirely sure what happened this week... He had to work out of town towards the end of the week, so we couldn´t teach everything we needed to, we called yesterday when he wasn´t at church and asked if we could move the baptism to next week and he said yes. The District Leader was gonna travel to Lapa to do his interview, so we made sure that was still okay, and he said he´d be home. But he wasn´t home when we got there with the District Leader! And they bussed an hour to get here.
So we took him over to another investigator, C**y, who´s going to be baptized this week! It was a little unorthodox because she hasn´t had all the lessons and she didn´t even know about the interview, but everything worked out so super perfectly. There are reasons for everything, I tell ya! We can get discouraged or frustrated because things didn´t work out exactly as we planned, or we can be grateful for the things we do have. A**x didn´t get baptized yesterday, but C**y passed her interview!! Everything happens in the Lord´s time, we just have to trust Him. I love you all with all my heart. I love you more with each day that goes by. I pray for you and hope that you feel that and know how much I love you. Have a wonderful week, family!!
Love always,
Sister Kashmir Janae Ramsden
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