Last Friday at the MTC! I can't believe we'll be hitting the field in four days! The CTM is awesome. The food is amazing, the people are super friendly, and we're much more immersed in the language than in Provo. Sister Hamill and I received a new companion this week, Sister Stone! She was the only sister from the states this week, so she'll be with us till we leave, then join another sister that comes in next week. The language is coming! I'm working on not letting myself remain stagnant in my abilities, trying to always improve more and more. Most everyone says I look like a brasileira, haha. I even get compliments that I speak like one, which is kinda hard to believe. Goodness, I love it here, though! We've become super close with some of the Hispanics here. I'm playing the piano for them for Sunday devotional, and they call me Sister Mestre.
Sister Ramsden's CTM group
Sao Paulo is one big crazy city! We get to leave the MTC campus and proselyte once a week which is an awesome way to learn the language and the culture. The people are amazing! They are so willing to listen to us. In one hour, we gave away four copies of the Book of Mormon. It's just crazy how ready they are to receive the gospel! My leg has been recovering miraculously. I know I keep saying that, but I'm seriously amazed by how quickly it's healing. I can walk down stairs without any real discomfort, and I can walk up stairs with just a little bit of pain. I'm a little nervous about flying down to Curitiba on Tuesday, but I know the Lord will take care of me. It really is something else to be here in Brazil. I still can't believe this is real. But I know that I'm meant to be here at this time. I have nothing to worry about as long as I live close to the Spirit and trust the Lord. Oh, highlight of the week: Going to the temple today for the first time in like, 9 months!!!!!! Best feeling ever! I missed that place. Seriously, take advantage of it. Go as often as you can. I love y'all muito!! Have a wonderful week!!!!
Amo voces!!!
Sister Ramsden

Sister Ramsden in Curitiba waiting for her new companions
Oi familia!!
Well, I´m officially in my first area, Lapa! And guess who my companion is? Sister Russell, a sister who served in Georgia with me! She got her visa the transfer before I did. And even funnier, when I was transferred from Warner Robins to Martinez, she was transferred from Martinez to Warner Robins. So we served in the same areas! My other companion has been out just two weeks longer than us, Sister G. Silva, from.... Fortaleza!! They´re great.
Sister Ramsden's companions in Lapa, Sister Russell and Sister G. Silva
The work here is so different. The people are so open to listen to us, to let us come back, to accept baptismal dates, to come to church... We set three baptismal dates since I got here. That´s crazy! So a little bit about Lapa, it´s a pretty small town, and we share it with another set of sisters. We're a branch, and we meet in a small little church building. Small but mighty! Also, I found out that Sister Wilson also served here. So that's cool!
Brazil is amazing. I love it here. It's definitely very different from the states, but I don't miss anything that I had before. Except maybe the heater, cuz it's kinda cold here. But we're warm with the Spirit :) I'm so excited to serve here and to learn all the things the Lord has in store for me to learn. The language is alright, we're working on a language study plan. Because Sister G Silva is learning English, so we kind of take shifts with languages. Also, my leg is doing alright! The first couple days were rough, cuz we walk everywhere. But I tried to let the Spirit help me know when to take a break, and it never said anything! So I pushed through the first couple days, and my leg actually feels better! Still sore, but it's healing for sure. I did get sick already, though! I guess that cold really got inside me. Just got that crummy feeling in my sinuses. But I've been drinking EmergenC and taking Advil Cold and Sinus, etc. So I'm getting better!
I just want you to know how much I love you! I pray that all is well with you. I don't feel homesick, but I feel a little more distant and disconnected. I just pray that you are all happy and healthy. Know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Always. Have a wonderful week, family! I love you!!
Love always,
Sister Kashmir Janae Ramsden
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