The baptisms of André and Andressa, performed by the YM president
We had the baptisms of Andre and his sister Andressa on Saturday which was amazing. Their mom has been less-active for a long time, but their great-grandma is super firm. So we started visiting the family, and Andre told us that he's always wanted to be baptized but his dad never let him. He had been praying for years that his dad's heart would soften so that he could be baptized. And finally it happened! We started teaching the lessons to Andre and Andressa. They always read the chapters we left super quick, understood everything, highlighted the parts they liked. But not only were they baptized and confirmed, their mom started coming back to church. She always sat in on the lessons. She told us that when we started coming, she stopped drinking coffee and she feels the Spirit a lot more clearly now.
Our daughter, Alessandra :)
The confirmations of Andre, Andressa, Alessandra, and Leondardo all took place in sacrament meeting yesterday. The Spirit was so incredibly strong as these individuals received the gift of the Holy Ghost. The blessings they received were beautiful, and I have no doubt that they were led by the Spirit. The testimonies that were borne only intensified the strong spirit in the meeting. I don't have a single doubt in my mind that this is literally the church of Jesus Christ. The organization is flawless, there's no way it could be run by man. Being a missionary and helping people learn these things for themselves is the most gratifying experience of my life, and I will never forget it.
It's awesome to hear of the growth in the ward back at home. It's amazing to see the miracles that happen when the missionaries and members work together. The Lord is seriously hastening His work. I've never felt a greater desperation to help the people prepare for the Second Coming. It's not always easy to be a missionary, there are definitely tons of challenges. But my Father is with me, there's no doubt. I love you all immensely and hope you have a great week! Take care, loves. :)
Love always,
Sister Ramsden
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