I hope you're all doing wonderfully. This week was incredible, mostly because of amazing miracles that happened yesterday at church. First off, Saturday was Maria´s baptism! It was combined with a child-of-record baptism, and it was perfect. When she left the water, she cried and cried for feeling the Spirit so strongly, knowing that she had just been made completely pure again. Yesterday, she was confirmed, and her daughter came to see! We don´t have any doubts that Bianca will be the next baptism we see here :)
Maria´s baptism
Saturday night, Sister Pereira and I decided to do some late-night contacts at the bus station close to our house, and we found a young man and spoke with him a bit. He´s a bit of a lost soul who needs direction, so we invited him to church and promised that his week would improve. And guess who showed up Sunday morning, just 12 hours later? When Sister Pereira and I saw him, we couldn´t stop laughing of shock and happiness. Heavenly Father truly blesses the faithful. In addition to that, Leonardo and André both passed the sacrament for the first time! It was so cool seeing them both in their suit and tie performing this sacred ordinance.
And I gave my first talk in Portuguese! I was oddly calm, and the Spirit definitely spoke through me. So much that Alessandra decided she wants to serve a mission, too! Ever since her baptism, she´s said that she really doesn´t have a desire to serve, but yesterday she told us that during my talk she felt super strongly that she needs to serve a mission. I can´t even express how gratifying it is to see these amazing things happen, people changing their lives. Through the changes that I see in them, I´m changed too. I´ve never been happier in my life.
Cotton Candy!!
And that leads me to the big news. Tuesday last week, one of President Fernandes' secretaries called to offer an extension to my mission. I and some other American Sisters have the option of extending until Feb 23rd, and we need to decide by today. After lunch I immediately began fasting, praying constantly, thinking, and studying the scriptures to know what I should do. I made a list of the pros and cons of staying. After a sincere prayer, I let the scriptures open to Doctrine and Covenants 15:6, and I couldn´t deny in the slightest that it was an answer from Heavenly Father. So, I´ve decided to extend my mission until February. I know I´ll miss the start of school, but I have no doubts that Father will provide a way. Everything will work out the way He´s planned. I only have this time in my life to serve Him with all I have, and I know I would regret it if I let this opportunity pass.
I love you all more than you can imagine. I pray that all is well with you and that you have an incredibly blessed week. Take care, loves!
All my love,
Sister Kashmir Janae Ramsden
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