I love and miss you all! I hope y'all had a really great week. We had a pretty slow week, working on building up our teaching pool, developing new finding approaches, etc. We have a lot to work on and it can be hard! But we're definitely learning patience. Yeah, pretty much most of the week was spent doing finding activities. Not many new investigators, but some promising potentials!
I love this time of year because people are more open about talking about religion, with the focus being more on Christ at this time of year. I love seeing all the decorations! We actually helped a family decorate their tree, so that was fun. Amy Eubanks has been coming out with us a lot. It's the best! We learn so much from her, and she gets to have these real missionary experiences as she prepares to turn in her mission papers! We have great times together. The coolest thing is hearing her tell us of the blessings she has seen in her life since she started working with us more. To me, it just builds my testimony of who I represent. It pushes me to want to act more like Christ and bring people closer to Him by teaching them His restored gospel.
Christ is everything! I've been reading the New Testament, the miracles He worked... He lived so perfectly. He is such an example to me. Last night at the Christmas Devotional, I had the strongest desire to just be with Him physically right now! But I know that even though He isn't here physically, I can feel His presence with me always. That's what He promised us - that He would send a Comforter. The Holy Ghost has helped me through everything as a missionary. I am so grateful!
Throughout the difficulties in working through weaknesses, M. has been such a light in our lives. She is so excited about her baptism, she does everything in her power to make it to church every Sunday, and she lives the commitments before we even extend them. This week, she sent us a text early one morning and asked us to pray for her because she was quitting coffee cold turkey. We haven't even taught her the Word of Wisdom yet! But she knows she has to quit in order to be baptized, and she is willing to do that because it's what Heavenly Father wants her to do, even though she doesn't understand why. She is so incredible. I learn so much more from her than I feel like I teach her. She attended a baptism with us this week and felt the Spirit tso strongly. Yeah, she's just amazing! We are so blessed to have her in our lives.
Us with M. at the baptism :)
Mom, Dad, Summer, and Skyler, I love you all so much. You have no idea! I can't wait to see your beautiful faces on Christmas. Thank you for all of your support while I've been gone. I hope you have a great week!!
Muito amor,
Sister Ramsden
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