One of the gypsy houses... I'll probably be haunted for taking pictures haha. Notice how they board up the windows... Super creepy! But yeah, their houses are huge, and they have super nice cars!
I can't believe this is the last week of the transfer. Time seriously flies by! Sister Evans and I are on the edges of our seats, knowing that a phone call could come before transfer call on Saturday, and one of us could have our visa. But we'll be patient this week and continue working hard!
I know that y'all enjoyed the miracles that I shared with you the other week, so Sister Evans and I have been sharing miracles with each other every night so we can focus on those blessings Heavenly Father does give us on a daily basis. So on Saturday, we went with the other sisters and sang for some sweet elderly women. We got to this retirement home, and the ladies asked what church we were from. When we told them, one of the women shouts, "Not the Latter-day Saints! No, no!" So the nurse gently told her she didn't have to stay and listen, she had the choice to leave the room. As we began singing, the lady left the room. But before the hymn was even through, she came right back and sat down. Towards the end, she actually sang along with us! It was a miracle to see how the Spirit totally softened her heart toward us and how her attitude changed to one of gratitude by the time we finished singing. That one experience set the tone for the whole day, and all four of us sisters just had a really good day!
Sister Evans and I had a lesson with a woman named S***i, who told us she had a lot of questions for us. We went over planning to answer her questions and hoping to be able to teach the restoration, and it went really well! She is just genuinely curious. She didn't doubt a single thing that we taught her. We cleared up some misconceptions she had heard, and she even gave us a referral. We talked about prophets, and she was awed when we told her that there were prophets in the Americas. She has a huge fascination with Native Americans and took the Book of Mormon right out of our hands, she was so eager to read it. Her husband is out of town the next few weeks, but she wants us to meet him when he returns. She said he is very open :) It was amazing getting to teach her and just have a really great day. It turns out that the neighbor she referred us to is actually good friends with our stake president! The man is an Episcopalian minister, but he has great respect for the Church because of the influence our stake president has had on him. We as members of the Church can seriously be such examples to those around us. Something the stake president is pushing members to do is just make it known to those around them that they are members of the Church. If people know that, that's when they wonder why we're so happy and what's so different about us, and it will open the door for our associates to accept the gospel. I love y'all so much and I hope all is well! I know that the Lord does bless us every day, we just have to have eyes to see the blessings He gives us. Have a great week, and write to me soon, please!!
All my love,
Sister Kashmir Janae Ramsden
What a beautiful letter and full of Kashmir's sweet personality with just that perfect amount of adorable silliness.