Exchanges were awesome this week! I feel bad that I keep leaving and Sister Drollinger has to take the reins in our area, but that's what the Spirit says, so that's what we do! I was with Sister McElroy, and she is just an incredible missionary. We have a ton in common, and she's just the best example on the planet. I truly believe that being in a leadership position teaches me infinitely more than it teaches the missionaries I serve.
Thank you for the package! I love love love the skirt. The shirt didn't fit as well, but it fit Sister Drollinger, so it was perfect. :) Easter was just awesome. Actually, it has become my favorite holiday on my mission. We went Easter caroling! That was fun, and people loved it. I just love thinking about Christ, His life and resurrection. How absolutely amazing is the gift that He gave us! Dad, I have watched "Because of Him" sooo many times the last week! I'm glad that you loved it as much as I did! What a powerful message. I love that because Christ was resurrected, we know that we will be too. And even more than that, we can be resurrected and live with our Father in Heaven and our families for eternity. That gives me the greatest hope in the world. I love you all so much! I hope you're all doing wonderfully, taking good care of each other. I hope that you see the Lord's hand in your lives and that you feel His love around you. I love you!!
I am sad to be leaving the mission. Insanely sad. But I trust my Father with all I have. I know He will take care of me and help me through this new adventure. I love Him, and I am so grateful for everything He has done for me in my life. He truly loves each one of us and only has our best interest in mind. Have a wonderful week!!
Love always,
Sister Kashmir Janae Ramsden
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