How is everyone? I love you all and miss you! This week was alright, not much different happened compared to the other weeks. Other than new responsibilities as Sister Training Leaders. But we have so much fun with it! We have really grown to love the sisters we serve. I haven't fully recovered from being sick. I feel fine, but I definitely sound like a man. Today more than any other day. But everything feels fine! I'm sure it's just the number of people at this place. Lots of germs floating around.
The Chico sisters!
So, like I said in my letter Tuesday, our devotional last Tuesday was with Elder Richard G Scott! It was really inspiring seeing him in person. The Spirit testified that he truly is a prophet of God. His words are inspired. He is one of the closest men to God. It was amazing. He is a wonderful speaker. He spoke about prayer and how to receive answers. He really said some amazing things that I needed to hear. He was just so personal with us as missionaries. He really emphasized how important his mission was to him. Towards the end, he said this, with tears in his eyes: "If I have seemed emotional tonight... Perhaps I can tell you why. I have had the strongest impression that my wife has been permitted to be in attendance here tonight. And for that, I am truly grateful." His wife passed away almost twenty years ago. I'm pretty sure we all broke down when he said that. I am absolutely sure that she was there with us, watching her husband as he spoke to us. It was such an incredible experience, and I will never forget it.
Our sisters with the former Sister Training Leaders
We had TRC again this Thursday. It went much more smoothly than last week. We spoke with a man, Brother Haynie, who lived in Brazil for a few years. He was the happiest, most helpful man! It was so nice talking with him. He was very helpful when we struggled with words, and his Portuguese was so easy to understand. Sister Wilson and I felt the Spirit so strongly, it brought us to tears. We could feel the love he had for us and for the gospel.
District Temple day :)
Funny story for the week: Thursday night, our teacher was leaving, and he always hugs the elders goodbye and shakes the sisters' hands. Well, I was standing next to an elder when he was going around, so when he got to me, he almost hugged me! I just put my hands in front of me and said "Woah!". He was super embarrassed, but it kind of made my day! It was just really unexpected and really funny.
Goin to Curitiba!!
Sister Wilson and I have been reading the Book of Mormon together in Portuguese, and one day some elders decided they wanted to join us. So we all read a verse in Portuguese then decipher it together. It's been a cool experience. It can be tough, but we'll pull out our English Book of Mormon and compare if we need extra help. The elders are way into it! I'm really proud of them. They have grown so much since we've been here. They are awesome missionaries.
What's new in all your lives? I hope everything is going well. I love you all so so much. Know that I pray for you constantly. You're always in my heart and on my mind. Write me soon, my beautiful family.
I love you forever!
Sister Ramsden
Doctrine and Covenants 50:21-22 "Therefore, why is it that ye cannot understand and know, that he that receiveth the word by the Spirit of truth receiveth it as it is preached by the Spirit of truth? Wherefore, he that preacheth and he that receiveth, understand one another, and both are edified and rejoice together."
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